Monday, September 28, 2009

A new blogging experience

Keeping up with my enthusiast blog is certainly a lot of work, but coming up with ideas for how to make it run smoothly have come to me a lot easier than expected. I want to be able to write about things that matter to people. I want them to be able to say things like "That's funny but true" and "Where has this kid been my whole life." I want my blog to be a place where they can interact and express themselves in a way they didn't see possible before. Even if people don't respond, the questions I pose at the end of my posts make people think, and If I'm a reader, that's all I could ever ask for. Much of what I have written so far is completely raw and unfiltered, which is the way I (and I'm sure others)feel it should be. I would never want to cheat loyal readers out of anything they deserve and expect out of me.

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